Name | Baseline Value | Compare Value | Difference | % Difference |
Name | Baseline Value | Compare Value | Difference | % Difference |
No data available in table |
Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries
Name | Baseline Value | Compare Value | Difference | % Difference |
Name | Baseline Value | Compare Value | Difference | % Difference |
System.Net.Security.Tests.SslStreamTests.HandshakeECDSA256CertAsync(protocol: Tls12) | 11.48 ms | 8.34 ms | -3.14 ms | 27% |
System.Net.Security.Tests.SslStreamTests.HandshakeContosoAsync(protocol: Tls13) | 29.98 ms | 24.22 ms | -5.75 ms | 19% |
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries
Name | Baseline Value | Compare Value | Difference | % Difference |
Name | Baseline Value | Compare Value | Difference | % Difference |