Run Environments

Name Architecture OS Queue Git Hash Branch Repo Locale Configurations
Baseline 20250324.2 arm64 Windows 10.0.22621 Windows.Server.Arm64.Perf 6b176b209eee5d91bdeb456ac1de7097bd787337 refs/heads/main dotnet/runtime en-US CompilationMode=tiered,RunKind=micro
Compare 20250324.2 arm64 Windows 10.0.22621 Windows.Server.Arm64.Perf 6b176b209eee5d91bdeb456ac1de7097bd787337 refs/heads/main dotnet/runtime en-US CompilationMode=tiered,RunKind=micro

Github diff

Number of Regressions: 1

Number of Improvements: 0


NameBaseline ValueCompare ValueDifference% Difference
NameBaseline ValueCompare ValueDifference% Difference
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Tests.Perf_Regex_Industry_RustLang_Sherlock.Count(Pattern: "\s[a-zA-Z]{0,12}ing\s", Options: None)24.96 ms24.96 ms0.00 ms
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries


NameBaseline ValueCompare ValueDifference% Difference
NameBaseline ValueCompare ValueDifference% Difference
No data available in table
Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries


Name Baseline Value Compare Value Difference % Difference
Name Baseline Value Compare Value Difference % Difference